01943 601222


  • Brand: OXY
  • Availability: In Stock
  • SKU: PSKN30100

The PSK Line joins all the OXY Implant strengths, the maximum insertion simplicity and the perfect primarystability. It reproduces perfectly the external morphology of the old Piesse Line and the conical connectionalready widely experienced with the K1 Line. Thanks to its design, able to transmit the chewing loads in thedeepest bone marrow, it is proved ideal for limiting the dangerous bone resorption in the crestal area. Theperfect adhesion between the surfaces on the implant-abutment connection area allows to minimize therelated micromovements and to reduce the bacterial infiltrations.   These are the main features:• conical morphology, with different angulations of platform,...


Product Description

The PSK Line joins all the OXY Implant strengths, the maximum insertion simplicity and the perfect primary
stability. It reproduces perfectly the external morphology of the old Piesse Line and the conical connection
already widely experienced with the K1 Line. Thanks to its design, able to transmit the chewing loads in the
deepest bone marrow, it is proved ideal for limiting the dangerous bone resorption in the crestal area. The
perfect adhesion between the surfaces on the implant-abutment connection area allows to minimize the
related micromovements and to reduce the bacterial infiltrations.


These are the main features:
conical morphology, with different angulations of platform, central and apical areas, the way to replicate
the natural shape of a tooth root. Especially the apex is rounded to prevent, during screwing, the risk of
anatomical structures damage. The three self-tapping longitudinal helicoidal cuttings are ideal to facilitate
the insertion of the implants
• the collar is machined to a height of 0.5 mm in order to minimize the probability of peri-implantitis
occurrence. It has a convergent geometry also to ensure a constant aesthetic of the gingival contour,
perfectly supported by the re-grown bone
• the external double lead thread Micro and Normo allows the dentist to increase the insertion speed and thus
to find maximum primary stability.
two possible connection platforms:
MINI: for PSK Narrow implants (diameter 3.0 mm)
with YELLOW dedicated prosthetic components
STANDARD: for PSK Regular implants (diameters 3.5 - 4.0 - 4.5 - 5.0 mm)
with FUCHSIA dedicated prosthetic components
• in order to ease the Surgeon’s work, the drills dedicated to PSK Line are the same of Piesse Line. They are
graduated with laser marking to indicate the implant lengths. For the same reason they can be fitted with
depth stoppers. Their morphology is cylindrical with a step of smaller diameter to realize a surgical socket
that follows accurately the implant shape, more conical in the apical area. The drills are made of hardened
stainless steel, with Black Diamond coating to increase the cutting power and consequently to reduce the
bone heating during use.